This week we teamed up with Friends of Herring Run Parks to collect samples in various locations along Heritage Trail on Herring Run. These samples were tested for E. coli, just as we do for our sampling in Back River. All 3 locations tested this week were well within the safe threshold, which is wonderful news.
The Heritage Trail at Herring Run has so much beauty and history to offer, unfortunately, this trail falls victim to the dumping of trash, stolen vehicles and vandalism far too often.
Visit https://www.friendsofherringrun.org to find out more about The Friends of Herring Run Parks and their work in Herring Run.
The results for the 3 locations there were tested this week are shown below.
Location #1 48.7 MPN/100mL
Location #2 59.4 MPN/100mL
Location #3 38.3 MPN/100mL
According to the State of Maryland, it is considered unsafe to come in contact with surface waters with an E. Coli level greater than 235MPN/100mL.
Please see the map to see where each sample was collected.