Get Involved Protect Our Waterways

DONATE VOLUNTEER DONATE EVENTS GET INVOLVED MEMBERSHIP Support our mission to restore the health of Back River. Every contribution helps us remove more debris and protect the Chesapeake Bay. Join us for our upcoming events and be part of the action. From river clean-ups to community fundraisers, there’s always a way to make a difference. Lend a hand in restoring the Back River by volunteering your time. Together, we can tackle pollution and improve the health of our watershed. Become a member and stand with us in the fight to protect Back River. Your membership comes with perks and shows your commitment to a cleaner, healthier future. DONATE EVENTS VOLUNTEER MEMBERSHIP
DONATE Support our mission to restore the health of Back River. Every contribution helps us remove more debris and protect the Chesapeake Bay.

Get Involved Protect Our Waterways

DONATE VOLUNTEER EVENTS Join us for our upcoming events and be part of the action. From river clean-ups to community fundraisers, there’s always a way to make a difference. GET INVOLVED Lend a hand in restoring the Back River by volunteering your time. Together, we can tackle pollution and improve the health of our watershed. Become a member and stand with us in the fight to protect Back River. Your membership comes with perks and shows your commitment to a cleaner, healthier future. MEMBERSHIP DONATE EVENTS VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER MEMBERSHIP

Get Involved Protect Our Waterways

DONATE VOLUNTEER Support our mission to restore the health of Back River. Every contribution helps us remove more debris and protect the Chesapeake Bay. DONATE EVENTS Join us for our upcoming events and be part of the action. From river clean-ups to community fundraisers, there’s always a way to make a difference. GET INVOLVED Lend a hand in restoring the Back River by volunteering your time. Together, we can tackle pollution and improve the health of our watershed. Become a member and stand with us in the fight to protect Back River. Your membership comes with perks and shows your commitment to a cleaner, healthier future. MEMBERSHIP VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER MEMBERSHIP EVENTS DONATE

Tidal Monitoring
in Back River

What do we test for? During our routine monitoring, we test each location for the presence of fecal bacteria, specifically, E. Coli, in Back River.

What are fecal bacteria and why are they important? Members of two bacteria groups, coliforms and fecal streptococci, are used as indicators of possible sewage contamination because they are commonly found in human and animal feces. Although they are generally not harmful themselves, they indicate the possible presence of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, viruses, and protozoans that also live in human and animal digestive systems. 



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The Back River Restoration Committee is the leading force in Baltimore County for preserving the cleanliness of Back River and its waterways, from the Pennsylvania line down to the Chesapeake Bay. Their passion for protecting our waterways draws countless volunteers to their cleanups. Whether you join a shoreline cleanup or attend a fundraiser, you’ll see their dedication and hard work in action.Lynne H. M.
Wow! Participating in my first cleanup event with the Back River Restoration Committee was truly inspiring. Over 150 volunteers, from all walks of life, came together to clean. It was amazing to see even the youngest kids helping out, learning the value of giving back. We cleared out everything from tires and furniture to countless plastic bottles. While the effort was impressive, it’s a reminder that we all need to take better care of our community.Leah B.